RSU 25 Adult and Community Education
The first step towards success is figuring out what direction or path you want to take. We can help you figure out what you would like to do for work or college. Most of us have skills we don’t recognize or understand the value they provide. We can help you identify those skills and use them to help determine your path. We have tools to show you what that job you want really looks like, the preparation or education it takes to get there, the working conditions and pay, and if there are jobs in your chosen field where you want to live. Once you have the job or are enrolled in college or training, we can assist you in succeeding in those positions. If you are thinking about advancing in your chosen field or changing careers, we can help. Writing a resume, cover letter, successfully interviewing, completing a college application, or knowing where to look and apply for financial aid are all activities with which we can assist you as well as so much more.
Preparing for employment or college is an important foundational piece of the puzzle you will need to complete once you have chosen your path. We have a year-round learning center that provides comprehensive services in adult basic education, high school completion, workforce training, and Maine College Transitions. RSU 25 Adult Education offers both diploma and HiSET courses and can work with you to determine the best path for your success. Our programs align with College and Career Readiness Standards and integrate both technology and financial literacy proficiencies. Career Pathways and career infused education are an integral part of our learning center programs. Our welcoming and knowledgeable staff work hard to ensure students are prepared for the next steps. In collaboration with other area programs, we offer the Maine College Transitions program which is specifically geared to provide free access to tutoring for students who already have a diploma but are not quite ready for college courses. English not your first language? No problem, all of these services are available to learners whose first language is not English. We offer all of these services through a variety of day and evening classes, small groups, and on an individual basis by appointment.
Many of our services are free!! We have also worked with a network of partners who have resources to assist you on your path to success. RSU 25 Adult Education is excited to offer a distance learning program as another tool to assist in achieving your goals. The courses will include some of our high school completion and workforce training classes. We also have courses for professional development as well as fun and enrichment. Give us a call, email, or come in to determine if this program is a good fit for you. We also work closely with area colleges to better prepare students for successful experiences in post-secondary education. You can attend University College courses onsite through distance learning technology or access our computer lab and proctors for online courses. Students can save time and money while earning their degrees.